I LOVE BEAUTY / Charlotte Torpegaard
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Boy’s Don’t Cry

Og sådan så Lindsey Wixson (læs mere i indlægget nedenfor) ud, da en hord af makeupartister og hårartister havde haft fingrene i hende. Sebastians hårartister havde ladet sig inspirere af ingen ringere end Grace Jones, og frisuren hos Designer’s Remix var en moderne version af den firkantede front, som Grace Jones er så berømt for. De fine guldstencils under øjnene blev håndklippet af makeupassistenterne, og er helt i tråd med tidens store fokus på netop makeupstencils i alle afarter og farver, ikke mindst de metalliske. De limes i øvrigt på huden med øjenvippelim, der ikke generer huden og er let at få af igen. Boy’s Don’t Cry var i øvrigt Charlotte Eskildsens inspiration for showet. 

And this was Lindsey Wixson after an army of makeup artists and hair artist had run their fingers through her hair and skin. The inspiration for the hair was no other than Grace Jones, and the hair do that Sebastian’s hair artists did at the Designer’s Remix show was a modern take on the square front that Grace Jones is famous for. The gold stencils under the eyes were hand cut by the makeup assistants and is in line with the big focus right now on makeup stencils in all forms and colors, not least metallics. Glue them on with lash glue. It doesn’t bother the skin and is easy to remove. 

Foto: Tom Lindboe/Wella 

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